DBO LightArtWorkshop
16 D rue de la Côte 54000 NANCY
SASU with a capital of 3500 euros
Siret: 831 536 008 00012, NAF: 9002Z
Intra-Community VAT: FR 60 831 536 008
RCS Nancy 831 536 008
Tel: 03 83 97 09 88
Director of the publication: Olivier Irthum
Creation of the site:
Olivier Irthum
Tel:+33 3 83 97 09 88
Host: Planet Hoster
Tel: +33 1 76 60 41 43
Photo and photo credits:
All authors of photos are credited with the mention of their first names and names.
The authors are: Emilie Salquèbre, Eric Didym, Claudine Amerrudy, Olivier Irthum, Louis Remy, Serge Daongam, Alexander Thiebault, Jacky Joannes, Martin Rumeau
All images are the property of their authors or DBO LightArtWorkshop.
If by mistake a picture belonging to you is not quoted thank you to report it by email to
Computing and Freedom :
In accordance with the law n ° 78-17 of January 6th, 1978 relative to the computing, the files and the freedoms, each surfer having deposited personal information concerning him on this site has the right of opposition (article 38 of the law) , access (articles 39, 41 and 42 of the law) and rectification (article 40 of the law) of these data. Thus, it may require that rectified, completed, clarified, updated or erased information about it that is inaccurate, incomplete, equivocal, outdated, or whose collection or use, communication or preservation is prohibited.
Each user can exercise these rights by writing to:
DBO LightArtWorkshop
16 D rue de la Côte
54000 NANCY
la France
Intellectual property :
DBO LightArtWorkshop is the exclusive owner of all intellectual property rights relating to the structure and content of the site
Therefore, and without the express prior authorization of DBO LightArtWorkshop, any reproduction and / or use of the trademarks and logos present on the site
as well as the modification, copy, translation, reproduction, sale, publication, exploitation and diffusion in digital or other format, all or part of the information, text, photos, images, videos and data present on this site are strictly prohibited.
Violation of these mandatory provisions subjects the offender, and all persons responsible, to the criminal and civil penalties provided for by law.
BOD LightArtWorkshop © 2019 / webdesign Olivier Irthum